
Asperger’s Syndrome

This syndrome is named after the work of the Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger. The information shown on this page comes mainly from the hop’toys blog C’est quoi le syndrome Asperger ?

What is Asperger syndrome?

It is an autism spectrum disorder characterized by difficulties in social interactions associated with restricted interests and repetitive behaviors. Language and cognitive development are generally preserved. That is to say that in Asperger’s syndrome, intellectual development is normal or higher.

The qualities of a person with Asperger’s syndrome

Certain characteristics can quickly be listed generically, but each case is different in general. The same is true for all other types of autism spectrum disorders.

  • Perfectionism
  • Sensitivity to details
  • Great respect for norms and rules.
  • Analytical thinking
  • Unquestionable logic
  • Extraordinary memory
  • Objectivity
  • Honesty


The five characteristics that are regularly attributed to an Asperger’s person are

  • Difficulty in understanding social situations and the expectations of their social environment
  • Normal language development but has communication difficulties and atypical use of language.
  • Regularly have obsessive interests
  • Normal or very superior intelligence
  • Physical clumsiness

What you need to know

It is difficult for a person with Asperger’s to understand nonverbal language and some abstract language information. Irony and sarcasm are part of that kind of language that is not natural to them.

Idiomatic or figurative expressions can regularly be taken in the first degree, i.e. literally. This characteristic generates a more innocent behavior like children or adolescents.

Are they all gifted?

No. People with Asperger are often very intelligent (QI tests are not adapted to Autistic Asperger’s people). Aspergers may have an exceptional photographic memory which is called eidetic memory.